Network cables
Ethernet LAN Cables
Ethernet is the technology of connecting computers and electronic devices in short distances to form a local area network (LAN). Ethernet networks may include cable connected and wirelessly connected devices.
The Ethernet was founded by Robert Metcalfe and David Boggs in 1973. The first network connecting computers across the US was called the ARPAnet and Harvard university refused to let Robert Metcalfe work on connecting their computers to the ARPAnet. He then worked for Xerox PARC with David Boggs, an electrical engineer. They both co-invented the Ethernet. Robert Metcalfe created the idea and David Boggs built the first Ethernet system.

Kategorier af Ethernet LAN-kabler
Ethernet LAN-kabler har hovedkategorier for at differentiere generation, struktur, frekvens og båndbredde (hastighed) af Ethernet-kabler. Kategorierne af Ethernet LAN-kabler er CAT1, CAT2, CAT3, CAT4, CAT5, CAT5e, CAT6, CAT6A, CAT7, CAT7A, CAT8.1, CAT8.1.
Category 5 (CAT5) Ethernet Cables
The fifth generation of Ethernet cables, Category 5 (CAT5), continued the 4 twisted pairs structure but they were the first to use the most common 100Base-T
Ethernet standard in 1995. CAT5 cables upped the signal frequency from 20 MHz to 100 MHz and they could reach 100 Megabits per second bandwidth along a 100 meters cable. The Category 5 generation came along the internet boom from 1995 till 2001, which made it the most well-known Ethernet cable standard in history. CAT5 cables are usually terminated by RJ45 connectors, as the most common standard.
Category 5e (CAT5e) Ethernet Cables
CAT5e is an improved version of CAT5, the fifth generation of Ethernet cables. In 2001, Category 5e cables were invented to increase the bandwidth 10 times over the CAT5 cable. CAT5e cables were the first to reach 1000Base-T
Ethernet standard with a 1 Gigabits per second speed bandwidth, using the same 100Mhz frequency of the CAT5. CAT5e helped technician in making larger and more complex LAN network structures, even though they had a 55 meters range only. They also used the same RJ45 connector, and contributed in making even more favoured.
Category 6 (CAT6) Ethernet Cables
The sixth generation of Ethernet cables, Category 6 (CAT6), introduced the most crucial change in the structural design of an Ethernet cable. In 2002, CAT6 cables were the first to have a central cross shaped divider that isolated the 4 pairs of isolated copper wires from each other, to eliminate crosstalk. Not only that, the isolated pairs in CAT6 had tighter and shorter twists and some CAT6 cables had an electromagnetic shield under the jacket, which helped reducing the cross-talk and interference even more. Category 6 cables used a 250 MHz frequency to reach the bandwidth of CAT5e cables, 1 Gigabits per second, but they could reach the full distance standard, 100 meters. In some cases, CAT6 cables were used for 10 Gigabit per second networks, but that limited their distance to 55 meters.
Augmented Category 6 (CAT6A) Ethernet Cables
CAT6A was introduced in 2008 as and improved version of CAT6 and it was the first to reach the 10GBase-T
Ethernet standard. It used double the frequency, up to 500 MHz, and it could reach the 100 meters standard even when transferring at a 10 Gigabits per second bandwidth. Augmented Category 6 (CAT6A) cables kept the structure design of the CAT6 and the usage of RJ45 connectors as standard. However, they were commonly used for data center applications rather than office and home networks.
Category 7 (CAT7) Ethernet Cables
The seventh generation of Ethernet cables, Category 7 (CAT7), is mainly different from CAT6A by making the shielded cable structures mandatory, and it increased the frequency up to 600 MHz. Category 7 cables, which were introduced in 2010, also had a mandatory inner shield around each twisted pair, in addition to the center cross shaped divider. CAT7 cables maintained the 10GBase-T
Ethernet standard, which is 10 Gigabits per second bandwidth along a 100 meters cable. However, they were the first generation to start utilizing additional connectors, like ARJ45, GG45 and TERA, but they maintained the RJ45 compatibility. Like CAT6A cables CAT7 cables can be used at home or at the office but they are mainly used in data center and professional environments.
Augmented Category 7 (CAT7A) Ethernet Cables
The CAT7A standards is an enhanced version of CAT7. Augmented Category 7 (CAT7A) cables have a high frequency that reach 1000 or 1200 MHz, which allows them to transfer data up to 40 Gigabits per second for up to 55 meters. In some cases, CAT7A cables are used to for 100 Gigabits for second connections, but only up to 15 meters. Just like its predecessor, CAT7A standard is compatible with RJ45, ARJ45, GG45 and TERA connectors. Because of that, it is mostly used and data centers and professional applications.
Category 8 (CAT8) Ethernet Cables
The eighth generation of Ethernet cables, Category 8 (CAT8), are the first to have a 2000 MHz frequency and to be 25GBase-T
Ethernet standard compatible. However, Category 8 (CAT8) Ethernet cables are divided into two categories, CAT8.1 and CAT8.2.
Category 8.1 (CAT8.1) Ethernet Cables
On the first hand, CAT8.1 standard was first introduced in 2016, it was called CAT8 back then. It was the first Ethernet cable able to transfer up to 25 Gigabits per second over 100 meters. CAT8.1 can also transfer 40 Gigabits for second but only up to 33 meters. CAT8.1 cable can be terminated with RJ45, ARJ45, GG45 or TERA connectors and they can be used for home and office networks or in data centers and professional applications.
Category 8.2 (CAT8.2) Ethernet Cables
On the second hand, CAT8.2 cables use the same 2000 MHz frequency, but they are used for 40GBase-T
Ethernet connections. Which means, CAT8.2 cable can transfer data at a speed of 40 Gigabits per second, and up to 100 meters. In addition, the other significant difference of CAT8.2 cables is they ditched the RJ45 connector and can only be terminated by ARJ45, GG45 and TERA connectors. Thus, CAT8.2 cable are particularly used for data center and professional applications.