Transparent LED
Market-leading LED manufacturer with modules for every application
NEXNOVO technology is the inventor and manu-facturer of the world's leading transparent LED displays.The company holds over 20 patents on its transparent LED displays,known as the "NEXNOVO" product series.
The current product models include the XT, XW, and XR series, which are designed for a wide range of applications such as storefront window displays, restaurant chains, shopping malls, airports, museums, financial institutions, trade shows, events, festivals, stage production, media architecture and many other areas. With pixel pitch ranges from 2.5mm to 30mm and brightness from 1000nit to 7500nit, The products are by far the clearest and brightest display in the world.
Street window is an important means to promote its retail merchandise display, for show retail business categories, focusing on selling goods to attract consumers to buy significant. So that a change in the static display windows, flexible up; let shops in the whole can be more vivid, and consumer groups to produce information and interact with deeper advertising window design is one of the future development trend.
The appears of transparent LED screen not only incorporates all the advantages of conventional outdoor high-definition LED display and shop windows to maximize the elimination of load-bearing and beautiful, solute the retail industry window video display problems perfectly. Currently retail showcase for the LED transparent screen, not only light, thin, easy to install, but also to achieve the smallest pixel pitch of 2.5mm and transparent degree high more than 70%. Its use needs to overcome the ordinary paper poster posting replacement trouble, nor ordinary LED screen and LCD screen, heavy, impermeable, unsightly weakness. Compared to the use of building walls, windows LED transparent screen may be a larger market demand.
Central Control
The display read almost any video and images content format such as jpg, jpg, png, mov, wmv, mp4, etc. You can remotely control, monitor and update content from a control server. Make sure communication to your customers are instant and synchronized